Sunday, March 15, 2009


I have been working lately, so not much time to smoke some food. I have also been planning some competition stuff with a friend, so I have been wrapped up in that. I have also been working on the Egg's redneck cousin, the UDS, but that is for another time.

Tonight I lit the Egg for its intended use, as a grill. It took about 15 min. and I had the egg up at about 400 degrees. I had pulled out some Halibut, and got it ready. This was done with some rub and some salt and pepper.

Then it was off to the grill for about 4-min each side. That was it.

The wife made some mashed potatoes, and some corn.

I have made a commitment to cook more on the egg.

This is day 1. Tomorrow pizza? or perhaps burgers.

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