Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Build...

So at 8:00 pm, my buddy Brent and I cracked the box...

Theese things are packed solid. And heavy. Did I mention heavy? I did? Good, because it is.

it was so heavy, I struggled to get this thing into the "nest", the device built to hold it. The directions are slightly better than the Ikea drawings, but only slightly. They were obviously written for engineers. The Egg comes with a DVD, which has a video on how to put this thing together. Bu you have to either have a TV outside or watch it and run outside. Lucky for me there are some great stuff on UTube. Freds BBQ has a 3 part series. So we built.

And had some beer, and built some more. By far the hardest thing is the alignment of the lid with the bands, but you don't have to be a rocket scientist to get it right. Just make sure you do the dollar bill test.

We were finished by dark. And there she stood. Big. Green. Shaped like a giant egg. The wife just shook her head and went to have some wine.

I basked in the glory of what was to be...

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